Hara Hara Mahadeva
Wishing all a very Blessed Mahashivaratri
A selection of drawings and paintings by Keshav
14-01-25 | Bhagavatha , Gopika , Tiruppavai , Guru and Devotee
Andal is one with Krishna
14-01-25 | Gopika , Tiruppavai
Andal: “Krishna! We’re overjoyed You have accepted our services - we can only do small services that we know of. We pray that You command and get things done from us according to your need. “We also wish that You will always be with us in our heart and mind, in all future births. We cannot think of being separated from you even for a moment. “And whenever our fickle nature aspires for worldly pleasures, correct it forthwith! "
12-01-25 | Krishna Leela , Navneet , Gopika , Tiruppavai
“O Kanhaiya! We are cowherds. We go behind the cows every day to the forest. When the cows rest, we all have a dip in the Yamuna. Then we sit in a circle and have food (Vanbhojan). When we eat food, our eyes are riveted on your enchanting and beautiful countenance. Almost like licking, eating and drinking all your beauty. (Raso vai saha!) You enjoyed it and laughed. Were we eating the food?”
“Govinda!! What a blessing that we’ve been born along with you!! You are Vamana, you are Rama, you’re Goverdhandhari, you are Damodara, you are Gitacharya — yet you descended amongst us as a simple cowherd.”
“Without knowing this, illiterates that we are, we have called you by different names, out of love, belittling your supreme stature. We plead for your forgiveness.”
“We have many relations in every birth. And they keep changing. But we’ve realised that our relationship with You is for eternity! Inseparable! indestructible!”
“You may be wondering why we sought worldly and perishable things like clothing, jewellery, food etc., as a reward for such austerities. Then we sought You as the object of our vow. But when we understood that our relationship with You is eternal, we seek nothing but eternal servitude — only to You!!”
11-01-25 | Navneet , Gopika , Tiruppavai , Bala Leela
After the ceremonial bath, signifying the completion of the vow, the divine couple dress up the Gopis with new clothes and jewellery.
Andal and the Gopikas are overjoyed by this supreme gesture, as a reward for the dedication and arduous journey they went through.
Andal addresses Krishna:
“O’Govinda! You are adept in winning over those who chose the undesirable path. Now we’ll prepare food, soaked in milk and ghee poured over it until the food is covered fully. We’ll hold it in our palm until the ghee drips down the elbows. Together, we all will relish the eternal moment.”
Andal has been elusive on what exactly the oath was all about. Was it for the rains? Was it to deliberate and continue our traditions? Was it to just to see Krishna and speak to him? Here she mentions holding the sumptuous food. But she doesn’t mention about eating it along with the others.
Let’s know what she has in mind.
10-01-25 | Tiruppavai
Now the gopis realise Krishna’s overwhelming vatsalya (compassion) and soulabhya (easy access) are incomparable. They address Him as the one with the hue of blue sapphire.
“O’ Kanha!
To perform the vow, we request you to give the accessories we require:
We need conches akin to your Panchajanya, the sound of which (OM) will resonate across the whole world.
A big drum to announce the festivities.
Experienced devotional singers of hymns who will guide and bless us.
Auspicious standing lamps, which indicates servitude.
A banner to invite people to join the celebrations - Garuda.
A Canopy (Adisesha) to prevent the early morning dew-drops.
(Adisesha will not part from Krishna even for a second. So Krishna gives his upper garment as a Canopy).
“O’ Gopikas! How can I give my Panchajanya to each one of you? Also Garuda and Adisesha? It’s impossible!”
To that the gopikas replied: “Aren’t You the One who slept on the banyan leaf during the deluge, protecting the whole universe in your belly? What is impossible for you?!”
09-01-25 | Krishna Leela , Govinda Pattabhishekam , Bala Leela
Andal continues to sing the glory of Krishna.
"You were born to Devaki, yet you chose to grow up with Yashoda. Even when you were hiding, your effulgence couldn't be hidden."
“Kamsa was afraid of the prophecy that his sister’s eighth child will kill him. That fear burned like fire in his stomach.”
Krishna asks, “What do you all want from me?”
Andal replies, “O Krishna! we want You!”
“You’re asking Me!" He smiles.
“I am all yours! worry not !!”
Andal now sings the glories of Krishna. There are six qualities which are in Him, which make Him Bhagavan.
Andal now requests the Lord to move out of his abode and grace the throne (the lotus of our heart) And how!
“O Krishna!! Walk towards the throne with the gait of a majestic lion, like it stretches itself after a long slumber, shakes its flowing mane, holds its head high, and with glowing eyes, surveys everything from the hilltop!"
“O Lord, we want to see the beauty of your stride as you walk towards the throne. After you’re comfortable seated, we want you to listen to our prayers.”