May 29, 2020

Kaliamardhana #oiloncanvas #Krishnafortoday

A many-hooded snake called Kalia lived in the riverYamuna. Gokula lived in fear of its deadly poison which killed many and rendered the waters of Yamuna unusable. 
Krishna decides to clean the Yamuna. He jumps into the river from a tree and provokes Kalia into a fight. Krishna playfully gets on the top of kalia's head and begins to stomp on his head in a graceful dance. 
The entire Gokula watched this spectacle in excitement. 
The wives of Kalia plead with krishna to spare kalia's life. Krishna asks Kalia to vacate Yamuna for another place. Yamuna is restored to its pristine glory.. 
Kalia represents the ego. 

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